Title: The role of values in explaining satisfaction in the mobile commerce context: the moderating role of consumer participation

Authors: Ho Huy Tuu; Nguyen Huu Khoi

Addresses: Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University, Nha Trang, Vietnam ' Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University, Nha Trang, Vietnam

Abstract: This study provides an extensive view of perceived values in explaining satisfaction. In particular, epistemic value was decomposed into knowledge and novelty perspectives, and the green value as a new perspective of perceived value was incorporated. The study investigates the influence of context-related value on content-related value and, ultimately, on consumer satisfaction. It further examines the role of consumer participation as a moderator. To test the proposed hypotheses, partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used on a sample of 308 Vietnamese consumers. The findings indicate that, in addition to directly affecting satisfaction, context-related value also indirectly influences satisfaction through content-related value. Furthermore, consumer participation, manifested through the use of time, amplifies the path from context-related value to content-related value and from content-related value to satisfaction. The findings reveal that consumer participation facilitates the transition from context-related value to satisfaction by means of content-related value.

Keywords: context-related value; content-related value; consumer participation; satisfaction; mobile commerce; MC; moderating effects.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2023.135106

International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2023 Vol.28 No.5/6, pp.425 - 444

Received: 30 Mar 2022
Received in revised form: 26 May 2023
Accepted: 05 Jun 2023

Published online: 30 Nov 2023 *

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