Title: Information technology project management: success, failure and risk factors
Authors: Janet Miller; Randy Connolly; Faith-Michael Uzoka; Kalen Keavey; Namrata Khemka-Dolan
Addresses: Counselling Centre, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada ' Department of Mathematics and Computing, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada ' Department of Mathematics and Computing, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada ' Library, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada ' Department of Mathematics and Computing, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada
Abstract: An under-examined determinant of information technology project success is the ability of project managers (PMs) to identify potential risks that could negatively impact a project. Through a quantitative survey of IT project managers and others involved in IT project governance, this study explores how PMs perceive and quantify risk in projects. This study employed the process failure mode effects analysis (PFMEA) approach for analysis of risk categories in common measures related to project success while taking other confounding factors into account. Results show that quality was the most frequently utilised measure of success by PMs with cost being the least utilised. Non-technical risks ranked high on the risk priority number (RPN) scale and require critical attention in the risk planning and monitoring process. Our study supports the conclusion that the perception of risk is influenced by both the size of the organisation and the level of experience of the PM.
Keywords: IT project; risk factors; success factors; project management; process failure mode effects analysis; PFMEA.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.135348
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2023 Vol.44 No.4, pp.485 - 507
Received: 14 Aug 2020
Accepted: 28 Oct 2020
Published online: 06 Dec 2023 *