Title: Applying consumer-based brand equity in private universities branding: an empirical study

Authors: AlaaEldin Abbass Ali; Ayman Mahmoud Bazzi

Addresses: Business Administration Department, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt; Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon ' Business Administration Department, Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon

Abstract: This paper investigates the influence of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) dimensions on customers' brand attitude and purchase intention, along with the moderating effect for corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the relationship between customers' brand attitude and their purchase intention. The study sample consists of 375 students, which is considered as sufficient sample size for applying data analysis using partial least square-structure equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The current study findings reveal that three dimensions for CBBE out of four have a significant positive effect on customers' brand attitude (brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand image), while only brand loyalty has a direct positive influence on customers' purchase intention. Also, the results indicate that brand attitude partially mediates the relationship between brand loyalty and purchase intention, while it fully mediates the relationship between brand image and purchase intention. Furthermore, CSR does not moderate the relationship between customers' brand attitude and their purchase intention. Moreover, this paper contributes to CBBE literature.

Keywords: brand equity; brand attitude; purchase intention; corporate social responsibility; CSR.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.135498

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2023 Vol.32 No.4, pp.497 - 524

Received: 29 Aug 2020
Accepted: 21 May 2021

Published online: 15 Dec 2023 *

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