Title: A performance measurement approach to risk valuation in startups' technology marketing
Authors: Bruno Leal; Julio Siluk; Alvaro Neuenfeldt Júnior; Géssica Zen; Jordana Rech Graciano Dos Santos
Addresses: Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Building 7, Room 302, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Building 7, Room 302, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Building 7, Room 302, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Building 7, Room 302, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil ' Federal University of Santa Maria, Avenue Roraima 1000, Building 7, Room 302, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Brazil
Abstract: To obtain competitive advantages, the search for innovation and new technologies has motivated the interaction between different startups. The present study aims to evaluate technology risks in an innovation environment, using a performance measurement tool based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and theory of real options (TRO) aspects, allowing an overview of the main startups' risks and which events have a major influence on the technology to be commercialised. The valuation was applied to managers of six startups. In general, the results show that the innovation capital risks are approximately 1.4 times more impactful than the organisational capital risks.
Keywords: startups; risk valuation; technology market; intangible assets; performance measurement; competitiveness.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2023.135518
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2023 Vol.31 No.4, pp.521 - 541
Received: 26 Mar 2020
Accepted: 07 Dec 2020
Published online: 15 Dec 2023 *