Title: A guidebook for the integration of financial literacy to mathematics courses
Authors: Abdullah Ozkale; Carmela Aprea
Addresses: Department of Finance Banking and Insurance, Isparta University of Applied Science, 32700, Keciborlu, Isparta, Turkey ' Business School, Area Economic and Business Education, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Abstract: Turkey needs to take serious steps for financial literacy, which has become one of the most trending topics in the world for the education system. Considering the strong interaction between financial literacy and mathematics education, the purpose of the study is to respond to the needs within the field of mathematics education in Turkey, without interfering with the curriculum, through a guidebook for grades one to eight. The tasks that are the focal point of the guidebook are presented for the teachers along with knowledge on children's financial understanding. The tasks were designed according to task design parameters as well as the spiral approach which is used for the curriculums of Turkey as well. Tasks organise learning activities and guide teaching and learning processes, and they also include background on the design of the tasks. It is expected to lead a soft integration for financial literacy education in Turkey.
Keywords: mathematics education; financial literacy; financial education; children's financial understanding; guidebook; integration.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2024 Vol.16 No.1, pp.1 - 27
Received: 05 Aug 2021
Accepted: 13 Jan 2022
Published online: 19 Dec 2023 *