Title: Research on the psychological load of drivers while using an on-board information system from different angles
Authors: Xinyi Ye; Wenyu Wu; Chengqi Xue
Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Abstract: With the birth of the concept of a smart cockpit and the rapid development of a variety of central control screens, many smart phone applications have been integrated into the on-board infotainment system. However, the addition of these new functions will affect drivers' safe driving and move their eyes away from roads in order to interact with the on-board information system, causing potential safety hazards and even traffic accidents. More and more researchers have begun to pay attention to and optimise the automobile human-machine interface (HMI). In a laboratory environment, this paper studies when the on-board information system faces drivers 20°, 30° and 40°, which angle has the least impact on drivers' psychological load. NASA-TLX standard scale is used to record and calculate their psychological load. Finally, it is found that psychological load of drivers becomes the minimum at 40°, which can be used as a reference for future design of central control screen in new smart cockpit.
Keywords: automobile HMI; on-board information system; angles.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBBR.2023.135600
International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics, 2023 Vol.4 No.2, pp.73 - 77
Received: 25 Nov 2022
Accepted: 29 Nov 2022
Published online: 19 Dec 2023 *