Title: Managing business using emerging technologies: an examination of firms' performance through big data and enterprise applications capabilities
Authors: Chunjuan Deng
Addresses: Chongqing Vocational College of Finance and Economics, Shapingba District, Yongchuan, Chongqing 402160, China
Abstract: It is imperative for the organisations to bring operational efficiency like in supply chain operations. However, still there is a gap to understand the insights of big data analytics (BDA) and enterprise application integration (EAI) to ensure the connection with organisational performance such as supply chain performance (SCP) within SMEs of China based on a resource-based view. First, this study endeavours to find the connections between corporate CSP and BDA. Second, the study explores the moderating relationship of EAI between BDA and corporate SCP, respectively using the method of structural equation modelling. It was found that BDA has a positive connection with corporate SCP. Similarly, the research identified an advantageous EAI nexus between BDA and corporate SCP. This study provides insights into supply chain management with knowledge about how incorporating emerging technologies, such as BDA and EAI could improve business SCP. Furthermore, this study offers a number of intriguing implications as well as additional work opportunities for researchers to support the idea of the current debate from various themes, globally.
Keywords: enterprise application integration; EAI; big data analytics; BDA; supply chain performance; SCP; structural equation modelling; resource-based view; RBV.
International Journal of Electronic Business, 2024 Vol.19 No.1, pp.80 - 94
Received: 08 Apr 2023
Accepted: 25 Jun 2023
Published online: 20 Dec 2023 *