Title: A study on attraction type electromagnetic levitation systems for four different shaped objects
Authors: Janardan Kundu
Addresses: Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering and Technology, Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner, Rajasthan – 334004, India
Abstract: This paper highlights the system dynamics during sustained oscillation in x-direction and a brief comparative study of levitation systems for a steel ball (62 gm), two steel plates (65 gm and 148 gm) and a C-shaped steel plate (148 gm). The dynamics, e.g., force, inductance, velocity, acceleration, restoring force, current, etc., due to disturbance in x-direction has been obtained for four different shaped objects. The nature of stable equilibrium point at the operating point has been observed closely for different shaped and dimensions-based levitation systems. Currently, maglev trains are being run on a limited basis in Germany and Japan. In real transportation problems, the geometric discontinuity of the platform is of special interest. The effects of perturbations in x-direction for asymmetric objects has been broadly investigated in this work and has been compared with a symmetric object.
Keywords: electromagnetic levitation; lead compensator; window comparator; frequency analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2024.135703
International Journal of Power Electronics, 2024 Vol.19 No.1, pp.79 - 98
Received: 12 Oct 2022
Accepted: 13 Feb 2023
Published online: 23 Dec 2023 *