Title: The 3D animation display of smart products based on Hanoi tower recursive algorithm

Authors: Qiong Wang

Addresses: University of Science and Technology LiaoNing, Anshan 114051, China

Abstract: In the process of using traditional methods to display smart product 3D animation, the image is not pre-processed, resulting in poor animation display effect and low efficiency. Therefore, a smart product 3D animation display method based on the Hanoi Tower recursive algorithm is proposed. Using the weighted average method to gray-scale the 3D image of the smart product, obtain the gray-scale image, and combine the Harris corner detection method to extract the image feature points, and reconstruct the 3D image of the smart product based on the feature extraction results. The Hanoi Tower recursive algorithm is used to construct a 3D animation display model to realise the 3D animation display of smart products. The simulation results show that the 3D animation display image of the smart product of this method has higher clarity, higher display effect and higher display efficiency.

Keywords: Hanoi tower; recursive algorithm; smart products; 3D animation display; graying processing; Harris corner detection.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2023.135740

International Journal of Product Development, 2023 Vol.27 No.4, pp.306 - 317

Received: 07 Jul 2021
Accepted: 18 Feb 2022

Published online: 04 Jan 2024 *

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