Title: Municipal amalgamations and service delivery: the case of Kagisano-Molopo and Mangaung

Authors: Godwin Dube; Paul S. Radikonyana

Addresses: Municipal Demarcation Board, 349 Witch-Hazel Ave., Highveld, Pretoria, 0157, South Africa ' Municipal Demarcation Board, 349 Witch-Hazel Ave., Highveld, Pretoria, 0157, South Africa

Abstract: Using a mixed-methods approach, this article assesses whether municipal boundary re-determinations (i.e., amalgamations) resulted in improved service provision in two South African municipalities - Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality and Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality. Quantitative data on the municipalities' financial performance and levels of service provision were obtained from National Treasury and the country's statistical agency (Stats SA). In addition, interviews with key informants were conducted to probe issues around the challenges encountered during the transitional period. The results suggest that context is important. In Kagisano-Molopo, a rural municipality, service provision actually deteriorated in some areas after the merger. While Mangaung continued to provide services after the merger, the results indicate that the pace with which services were being provided was negatively affected. More importantly, there is a need to address issues of service provision that cannot be solved by amalgamations such as poor revenue collection, councillors who fail to provide effective oversight and corruption.

Keywords: municipal amalgamation; municipal performance; mergers; service delivery; South Africa.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.135822

International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2024 Vol.13 No.1, pp.78 - 99

Received: 07 Dec 2019
Accepted: 10 Aug 2020

Published online: 08 Jan 2024 *

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