Title: Exergy and environmental analyses of natural gas and biogas fuels in an internal combustion engine at part load
Authors: Yasar Bulbul; Altay Arbak; Yasin Karagöz; Selman Karagöz; Tarkan Sandalci; Saban Pusat
Addresses: Department of Economics, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey ' School of Strategy and Leadership, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental investigation on a single-cylinder diesel engine fuelled with natural gas and biogas. Biogas was obtained by mixing methane and carbon dioxide (CO2). The analyses were carried out by using the results of experiments on different fuel mixtures at constant engine power. As a result of working at partial load, the energy and exergy efficiencies of the engine were relatively low. When the results were compared by CO2 content of the fuel, it was observed that when the CO2 ratio increased, the exergy efficiency decreased. In addition, an economic analysis was performed based on the equivalent CO2 emission and the average carbon tax in the European Union. Accordingly, natural gas had the highest GWP value and tax amount. As the CO2 content in the fuel increased, the global warming potential (GWP) and the carbon tax to be paid decreased.
Keywords: exergy analysis; environmental analysis; economic analysis; biogas; internal combustion engine.
International Journal of Exergy, 2023 Vol.42 No.4, pp.337 - 349
Received: 17 Nov 2022
Received in revised form: 03 Apr 2023
Accepted: 09 Apr 2023
Published online: 08 Jan 2024 *