Title: An effectiveness measurement model for knowledge management - a balanced scorecard perspective
Authors: Meenu Chopra; Vikas Gupta
Addresses: Department of Business Economics and Management Studies, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, India ' Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Formerly Delhi College of Engineering, DTU (DCE) Campus, Bawana Road, Delhi, 110-042, India
Abstract: The industry is transforming immensely to adapt to the challenges of globalisation and deregulation coupled with fast-paced changes in all spheres. There is an increased focus on organisational excellence and KM can help play a significant role in the process. All these changes are opening a completely new terrain for organisations and converging on aggregating and processing internal and external knowledge is inevitable in this profoundly competitive market place. The purpose of conducting this research is to identify the prominent KM practices in knowledge-intensive sectors and propose an instrument for gauging their implementation and impact on the measures of organisational performance. Thorough literature review followed by the collection of firm-level data is used to specify the domain of construct, generate scale items, purify and validate the scale. The research proposes a 31-item scale, which exhibits internal consistency, unidimensionality, reliability and validity. The proposed scale can act as a practical management tool for measuring implementation and effect of KM practices in organisations.
Keywords: knowledge management; KM; knowledge management practices; balanced scorecard; BSC; scale; validity; reliability; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; culture; people; KM leadership; internal process perspective; customer service perspective; financial performance perspective.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2023 Vol.35 No.4, pp.459 - 487
Received: 03 Aug 2019
Accepted: 05 Dec 2019
Published online: 09 Jan 2024 *