Title: Mini plasma waste plant: a solution to COVID-19 biomedical waste

Authors: Mukesh Kumar; S.K. Singh

Addresses: Department of Physics, SSNC, University of Delhi, Delhi, India ' Department of Environmental Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

Abstract: World environmental health is threatened by biomedical waste. The plastic footprint is increasing by the day due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Biomedical waste (BMW) due to COVID-19 is creating a problem for the survival of human beings. The high survival rate of the COVID-19 virus in the human body, air, and on any material is a matter of concern. The problem of management of BMW disposal gets aggravated due to increasing waste volume and shortage of waste treatment plants. The waste management technologies such as incineration, autoclaving, chemical treatment, dry heat technologies, and plasma-based technology can also deal with such infectious waste. In this paper artificial intelligence equipped with a mini plasma waste plant model for waste volume reduction and as well as a waste-to-value solution with zero infection risk has been discussed. The proposed waste power plant model with a tunnel and vent webs shall be a better alternative approach for COVID-19 BMW management.

Keywords: bio-medical waste; COVID-19; Covid-19 waste; plasma waste technology; artificial intelligence; risk minimisation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2024.135876

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2024 Vol.33 No.1, pp.74 - 85

Received: 16 Mar 2021
Accepted: 29 Jun 2021

Published online: 09 Jan 2024 *

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