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Title: A multi-level autopoietic system to develop an artificial embryogenesis process

Authors: Rima Hiouani; NourEddine Djedi; Sylvain Cussat-Blanc; Yves Duthen

Addresses: LESIA Laboratory, Biskra University, BP 145 RP 07000, Biskra, Algeria ' LESIA Laboratory, Biskra University, BP 145 RP 07000, Biskra, Algeria ' University of Toulouse, IRIT – CNRS UMR 5505, France ' University of Toulouse, IRIT – CNRS UMR 5505, France

Abstract: This paper presents a new model for the self-creation of an artificial multicellular organism from one cell, which is inspired by 'The Autopoietic System Theory' at different levels. This theory has been proposed to define the universal self-organisation of living systems. We proposed MLAS, 'Multi-level Autopoietic System' to embody this autopoietic system. However, in contrast to the proposed system by Varela, we set it up according to various levels (organs autopoietic machine, tissues autopoietic machine, and cells autopoietic machine). Inside the level of the cell autopoietic machine, we proposed the second contribution in this paper, which is a Boolean artificial gene regulator network with an epigenetic part that leads the cells to create their history during evolution. Several interesting features have been observed in the developed organism through MLAS, as self-organisation and self-creation. Likewise, other processes that characterise the living system have appeared, such as evolution and diversity.

Keywords: autopoietic system; self-organisation; self-adaptation; artificial gene regulatory network; evolution; diversity.

DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2024.135932

International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 2024 Vol.17 No.1, pp.39 - 67

Received: 20 Aug 2021
Accepted: 28 Nov 2021

Published online: 10 Jan 2024 *

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