Title: How corporate marketing strategy can leverage UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: Alexandra Catarino Mendes; Leandro F. Pereira; Álvaro Dias; Rui Vinhas da Silva; Natália Teixeira
Addresses: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal ' BRU-Business Research Unit, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal ' Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal ' Business Research Unit – BRU-IUL, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal ' ISG – Business and Economics School, Av. Mal. Craveiro Lopes 2A, 1700-284 Lisboa, Portugal
Abstract: Sustainability is highly valued nowadays due to the surroundings of social and environmental pressure and concern over the past few years, such as the United Nations suggested goals to make prosperity beneficial to all. The main objective of this research is to understand how the sustainable development goals (SDGs) can affect the marketing strategy of the companies, considering that there is a lack of literature between these two fields of knowledge. This research develops a qualitative approach using interviews from marketing directors to respond about business ways of marketing strategies used to enhance sustainability. In findings, it is verified a crucial marketing view with product related matters as solutions, external pressure and communication as a relevant tool. Another interesting finding is that consumption, processes and others in creating sustainable value for everyone are a current challenge.
Keywords: sustainable development; corporate sustainability; marketing strategy; Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs.
DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2024.136013
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2024 Vol.20 No.1, pp.79 - 114
Received: 29 Nov 2021
Accepted: 21 Oct 2022
Published online: 12 Jan 2024 *