Title: Trends, challenges and opportunities of flood warning systems in India

Authors: Sweta Shukla; T.V. Vijay Kumar

Addresses: Special Centre for Disaster Research, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 110067, India ' School of Computer and Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 110067, India

Abstract: Floods are one of the most recurrent natural disasters that affect many states in India. Due to the varied nature of its climatic conditions and diverse topographical features, different parts of India receive precipitation in differential amounts, intensity and period. In India, flood warning agencies at the central level, design flood forecasts for the entire country utilising capabilities based on the hydrological modelling approach. Based on forecasts, they release flood warnings and notify the central government through its different departments and stakeholders to undertake mitigating measures in advance. This paper attempts to highlight the currently prevalent flood forecasting practices in releasing flood warnings to the population at risk in different parts of India. Further, flood warning approaches employed on national, state and local level have also been discussed. Based on the reviews, challenges and opportunities associated with existing flood warning systems in India are outlined.

Keywords: hazard; floods; disaster; flood warning systems; flood forecasting.

DOI: 10.1504/IJW.2023.136029

International Journal of Water, 2023 Vol.15 No.4, pp.275 - 300

Received: 25 Jun 2023
Accepted: 21 Aug 2023

Published online: 12 Jan 2024 *

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