Title: Human performance as an asset value creator: an automated service impact model
Authors: Katja Gutsche; Jennifer Griffith
Addresses: Furtwangen University, Robert-Gerwig Platz 1, 78120 Furtwangen, Germany ' Paul College, University of New Hampshire, Room 255E, Durham, NH 03824, USA
Abstract: Industrial services as, e.g., maintenance, are essential for producing industries while also confronted with the technological options digitalisation provides. Automation within service operations is steadily increasing, which will have an effect on the socio-technical systems of service technicians (e.g., asset and service tools) and on the overall asset value. Following the path of service digitalisation requires service managers to design an organisational change process that matches technicians' needs to best ensure their performance and productivity. This paper outlines the general theory and empirical research findings from the areas of human automation, job performance, and service operations to propose a framework for successfully designing automated service operations that result in optimal human impact on the asset value.
Keywords: asset value; service operation; service productivity; human-machine interaction; human performance; service automation; maintenance; smart services.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2023.136186
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, 2023 Vol.4 No.1, pp.47 - 60
Accepted: 25 Nov 2021
Published online: 22 Jan 2024 *