Title: The perception of employees on remote working and work outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Chinna Muthu Balu; Tabitha Durai
Addresses: Department of Commerce, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India ' Department of Commerce, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to disruptions throughout the global community. The information technology (IT) industry has however managed business delivery by adopting remote working as its mode of operation. In this situation, it becomes imperative to comprehend the employees' work outcomes as a result of remote work. Therefore, this research work intends to study the impact of remote work on work outcomes like productivity, performance and engagement. Data has been collected from 324 IT and ITeS employees working across Indian cities through a structured questionnaire. The statistical analysis revealed that preference for the workplace significantly influenced employee outcomes. The structural equation modelling (SEM) portrayed a positive relationship between the remote working factors and work outcomes. The study recommends that organisations should capitalise on remote working as a strategy to sustain profitable operations during this pandemic.
Keywords: COVID-19; remote work; work outcomes; productivity; performance; employee engagement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.136201
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.30 No.4, pp.457 - 477
Received: 27 Jun 2022
Accepted: 29 Jun 2022
Published online: 22 Jan 2024 *