Title: Noise measurements in wind energy production turbines in Kosovo
Authors: Naim Baftiu; Betim Maloku
Addresses: Faculty of Computer Science, University of Prizren, Prizren, Kosovo ' Faculty of Computer Science, University of Prizren, Prizren, Kosovo
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of turbine operation on environmental noise levels. The noise monitoring values were compared with the IFC EHS Noise 2007 instructions, and the results indicated that the turbines on the perimeter of the measured points were not affected by point no. 1.7. However, the measurements showed that the turbines exceeded the limit values allowed by law up to 55 dB during certain periods of the day. Therefore, the company responsible for the turbines must take measures to reduce the noise levels to an optimal level. The recommended measures include the selection and use of quieter turbines and equipment, the placement of noise barriers, the isolation of buildings that can be a source of noise, and the occasional restriction of noise emission. These measures are necessary to prevent noise pollution and to comply with the permissible noise levels as specified by the regulatory bodies.
Keywords: wind; energy; acoustic pollution.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.136293
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2023 Vol.22 No.4, pp.427 - 434
Received: 15 May 2022
Accepted: 03 May 2023
Published online: 26 Jan 2024 *