Title: Exploring entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in tourism: a study of Cameroon
Authors: Roland Atembe
Addresses: Department of Strategic Management, Marketing, and Tourism, Faculty of Business and Management, University of Innsbruck, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Abstract: Although opportunity recognition is an important element of entrepreneurship, the research on patterns and factors influencing entrepreneurial opportunity recognition within the tourism sector remains scarce. Using a qualitative approach and narrative face-to-face interviews with tourism entrepreneurs in Cameroon, this study explores the factors that inspire the creation of tourism-related ventures. Due to the country's high level of entrepreneurship, Cameroon was an ideal context for exploring opportunity recognition patterns. Also, Cameroon's specific cultural aspects often cause its collectivist specificities to affect entrepreneurial intention even more than economic variables. The interviews in this study were captured and analysed using an inductive approach. Their results show that ethnic values, prior knowledge and experiences, experimental observations, socialisation and interaction, and social lifestyle are drivers of tourism entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. Other motivations including entrepreneurial intention and cultural and social transitions significantly contribute to tourism entrepreneurship. The paper proposes a framework aimed at enhancing a holistic understanding of opportunity recognition. It also generates new insights relevant for creating and operating ventures with high growth potential. The study furthermore provides implications for policy building and the development of a strategic framework for entrepreneurship development.
Keywords: entrepreneurial opportunity; tourism entrepreneurship; opportunity recognition; new venture creation; Cameroon; tourism enterprise.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2024.136342
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2024 Vol.51 No.3, pp.319 - 341
Received: 09 Jul 2020
Accepted: 25 Mar 2021
Published online: 31 Jan 2024 *