Title: The use of Instagram as a teaching resource in higher education
Authors: José Fernández-Cerero; Marta Montenegro-Rueda
Addresses: Department of Teaching and Educational Organisation, University of Sevilla, C/ Pirotecnia s/n, Seville, 41013, Spain ' Department of Teaching and Educational Organisation, University of Sevilla, C/ Pirotecnia s/n, Seville, 41013, Spain
Abstract: The use of new technologies as an educational tool to improve the teaching and learning process is a more attractive alternative to conventional classes. In this sense, the use of social networks plays a fundamental role in society. The present research consists of a literature review with the aim of finding out about the use of Instagram in higher education. A total of nine articles out of 93 studies were found through various databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Google Academic and Scielo), as they exceeded the established criteria. Despite the scarcity of studies on the subject, the results showed that they have a positive effect on the educational process, improving motivation, acquisition and transmission of content seen in class.
Keywords: higher education; ICT; Instagram; social medias and literature review.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2024 Vol.35 No.2, pp.234 - 248
Received: 08 Mar 2023
Accepted: 06 May 2023
Published online: 02 Feb 2024 *