Title: Low-level wind shear of wind field modelling and simulation

Authors: Zhang Ye; Jia Meng

Addresses: Xinxiang University, Ürümqi, Xinjiang, China ' Xinxiang University, Ürümqi, Xinjiang, China

Abstract: Wind shear refers to a meteorological phenomenon. It happened when wind speed, wind direction separately or both simultaneously changes rapidly. If the microburst is below altitude of 300 metres, the probability of occurrence increases greatly. Three wind shear wind field modelling methods have been introduced in this paper. By use of computer numerical simulation, the model can not only simulate the real wind shear of wind field, but also provide other useful physical quantities. In the study of low-level wind shear detection system process, the wind field model that can truly reflect the physical characteristics change of wind field is established. The experiments results show that most typical shear wind field is caused by the down flow.

Keywords: low-level wind shear; wind field model; wind field profile.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2024.136581

International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2024 Vol.26 No.1, pp.19 - 24

Received: 02 Nov 2022
Accepted: 11 Jan 2023

Published online: 07 Feb 2024 *

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