Title: Functional analysis of Indian technology transfer entities: a new measure of performance assessment

Authors: Tripta Dixit; William Selvamurthy; Smita Sahu; Tungish Bansal

Addresses: Ayush Export Promotion Council, Ministry of Ayush, Delhi – 110023, India ' Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation (ASTIF), Amity Directorate of Science and Innovation, Amity University, Room No. 114, 1st Floor, J-3 Block, Sector-125 Noida – 201313, India ' IN/PA – 2601, Japan Patent Office (JPO), Japan; Amity University, Sector-125 Noida – 201313, India ' Neurosurgery Department, AIIMS, New Delhi, India

Abstract: The challenge of low translation rate of healthcare solutions is evident from the imbalance between R&D investment and commercialisable output, highlighting the need to examine the functioning of the existing technology transfer entities (TTEs) in healthcare sector. The diversity in the models adopted by TTEs poses challenges in the outcome-based evaluation of their performance. Therefore, we devised a comprehensive multi-criterion-based evaluation method consisting of 13 parameters to understand their performance efficiency and a total of 27 TTEs were evaluated. The results showed the effectiveness of parameters in devising a function and its significance in defining the performance of a TTE. Also, a correlation was observed between the highest performing TTEs and their output based on standard measurable deliverables. These TTEs showed strength in technology assessment, validation, scientist involvement, incubation, industry relations and technology transfer implementation. This approach can be utilised by evolving technology transfer ecosystems for performance assessment.

Keywords: technology transfer; performance matrix; India; healthcare.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2023.136765

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2023 Vol.20 No.3, pp.314 - 341

Accepted: 10 May 2023
Published online: 21 Feb 2024 *

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