Title: Control strategy of battery inverter for voltage profile improvement in low voltage networks with high PV penetration level
Authors: Moien A. Omar; Aseel Hamdan
Addresses: Electrical Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine ' Faculty of Graduate Studies, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Abstract: This paper presents a control strategy for grid-connected inverter interfaces with a battery storage system (BSS) to enhance PV penetration level in a low voltage (LV) grid. The strategy involves determining the optimal inverter set points that regulate the output of active and reactive power based on grid voltage, with considering battery specifications and state of charge (SoC). A LV grid consisting of 19 buses and 12 houses was used as a case study to test the proposed strategy. The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy successfully sets the power references to control the battery inverter, resulting in an increase in the PV penetration level to 50% while keeping voltage rise and drop within permissible limits. The strategy shows promising results in optimising the set points of battery inverters to improve the voltage profile and increase the PV penetration level in LV PV-grid tied distribution grids.
Keywords: voltage profile improvement; battery inverter; reactive power control; RPC; PV penetration level.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPEC.2024.136842
International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, 2024 Vol.15 No.1, pp.25 - 41
Received: 14 Apr 2023
Accepted: 15 Nov 2023
Published online: 22 Feb 2024 *