Title: Stiffness analysis of automobile aluminium alloy frame based on finite element model

Authors: Bing Chen; Junfeng Wu; Lei Wang

Addresses: Faculty of Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China; Henan Engineering Research Center of Acoustic Meta-Structure, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China ' Faculty of Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China; Henan Engineering Research Center of Acoustic Meta-Structure, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China ' Faculty of Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China; Henan Engineering Research Center of Acoustic Meta-Structure, Huanghe Science and Technology University, Zhengzhou, 450063, China

Abstract: Existing frame stiffness analysis methods lack accuracy. Therefore, a finite element model-based stiffness analysis method for automobile aluminium alloy frames is proposed. The finite element model considers only the main structural components and simplifies their structures to improve calculation efficiency while meeting accuracy requirements. Various parts and components are modelled and assembled into the complete frame model, including the suspension system in the analysis. The model grid is divided, and additional mass and assembly mass are simplified as concentrated loads applied to supporting points, while the frame's own mass is simplified as uniformly distributed loads applied to nodes and elements. Bending stiffness and torsional stiffness are analysed to determine the stiffness characteristics of the aluminium alloy frame. Test results demonstrate that this design method enables accurate bending and torsional stiffness analysis of the aluminium alloy frame, with minimal errors, as low as 2e+0.01 Nm2 and 22 N·m/°.

Keywords: finite element model; automobile aluminium alloy frame; stiffness analysis; bending stiffness; torsional stiffness.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2024.136846

International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2024 Vol.68 No.1/2, pp.50 - 70

Received: 13 Jul 2023
Accepted: 06 Nov 2023

Published online: 22 Feb 2024 *

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