Title: A proposed methodology for designing a government to business e-services roadmap

Authors: Nikolaos A. Panayiotou; Vasileios P. Stavrou

Addresses: Mechanical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens, 15780, Zografou, Athens, Greece ' Mechanical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens, 15780, Zografou, Athens, Greece

Abstract: The article aims to provide a roadmap methodology regarding the planning and the implementation of government to business (G2B) e-services. The methodology intends to establish a number of consecutive steps, in order to ensure that the voice of businesses will be taken into account during the e-services prioritisation. An original business-centric roadmap methodology was created, combining a plethora of previously designed e-government roadmaps with professional opinions from the government and the business sector. The proposed methodology achieves a balance between future business needs, future government strategy and the current situation, as the e-services prioritisation is exported. It also demonstrated the high importance of the stakeholders' participation during the prioritisation of G2B e-services, providing useful alternative perspectives, based on their preferences. The methodology has the potential to be adopted by governments worldwide, as it gives a business centric, complete and analytical view of the G2B e-services prioritisation process.

Keywords: e-government; e-services; business centric; roadmap; government to business; G2B.

DOI: 10.1504/EG.2024.136983

Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2024 Vol.20 No.2, pp.175 - 201

Received: 06 Oct 2021
Accepted: 12 Jun 2022

Published online: 01 Mar 2024 *

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