Title: Three-rates of production inventory models for deteriorating items with constant, linear and quadratic demand - comparative study

Authors: C.K. Sivashankari; R. Valarmathi

Addresses: RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipetti, 601-206, India ' RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipetti, 601-206, India

Abstract: Three-rates of production inventory models with constant, linear and quadratic demand for deteriorative items are considered in this study. The demand models found in the literature include constant, linear, quadratic, exponential, price dependent and stock dependent among others. To wit, no study exists that uses three-rates of production inventory models with constant, linear and quadratic demands. The first model uses three-rates of production inventory model with constant demand rate for deteriorative items, the second model uses three-rates of production inventory model with linear demand for deteriorative item, and the third model uses three-rates of production inventory model with quadratic demand for deteriorative item. Mathematical models are delineated for each model and relevant examples are provided to elucidate the proposed procedure. The objective herein is to obtain optimum order quantities and order intervals concerning the overall cost. Sensitivity analysis is provided for each of the three models. The necessary data was generated using Visual Basic 6.0. Three models are developed: the variation in production rate provides a way to result in consumer's gratification and earning potential profit.

Keywords: constant; linear and quadratic demands; three-rates of productions; optimality; comparative study.

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2024.137133

International Journal of Operational Research, 2024 Vol.49 No.3, pp.326 - 357

Received: 25 Aug 2020
Accepted: 06 Jun 2021

Published online: 04 Mar 2024 *

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