Title: Share or not to share: motivators and inhibitors of travellers' experience on social media: a qualitative approach
Authors: Habiba Al-Mughairi; Preeti Bhaskar
Addresses: College of Economics and Business Administration, University of Technology and Applied, Ibra, 400, Oman ' College of Economics and Business Administration, University of Technology and Applied, Ibra, 400, Oman
Abstract: The use of social media to enhance tourism has been researched by many academicians and scholars, but the subject is yet to be explored as far as tourism in Oman is considered. Oman is categorised as a relatively 'underrated' destination in the Gulf region. Many Omanis and ex-pats strive to showcase and popularise the unexplored destination of Oman by sharing their travel-related posts on their social media accounts to promote the 'underrated' destination of Oman. This paper identifies the motivating and inhibiting factors of travellers to share travel-related photos, videos, blogs or experiences on social media in Oman. The study has used the interpretative phenomenological analysis technique to identify the factors that act as motivators and inhibitors for travellers to post their travelling experience on social media. This study has given valuable suggestions for travel companies and the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism to boost Oman's tourism through social media.
Keywords: tourism; social media; motivating factors; inhibiting factors; Oman; IPA; interpretative phenomenological analysis.
International Journal of Tourism Policy, 2024 Vol.14 No.2, pp.141 - 156
Received: 01 Jan 2023
Accepted: 29 Apr 2023
Published online: 04 Mar 2024 *