Title: Assessing the impact of business incubation services on companies in Indian university-based incubators

Authors: Preethi Manniledam; T. Radha Ramanan

Addresses: National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut – 673 601, India ' School of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut – 673 601, India

Abstract: The companies incubated in business incubators are expected to grow availing the services provided by the incubators. When the services provided are matching with the requirements of these companies, the incubation process become effective and the companies will be satisfied. It is seen that certain services are more valued and certain others are not, by the companies which are the clients of these incubators. The study conducted brings out the perception of the companies incubated in the Indian university-based, government funded incubators, about the services offered and the effectiveness of the services. It throws light to the fact that providing some services more effectively can give more satisfied clients, and thus giving suggestions on how the resources available, especially those created with the government support, with the incubator could be used optimally.

Keywords: incubator services; perceived effectiveness; perceived need; university based incubators; satisfaction matrix.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2024.137255

International Journal of Business Excellence, 2024 Vol.32 No.3, pp.364 - 379

Received: 09 Sep 2020
Accepted: 21 Dec 2020

Published online: 08 Mar 2024 *

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