Title: 'Whispers of the machine' - the organic form of digital sculpture based on 3D modelling
Authors: Wei Xu; Veerawat Sirivesmas
Addresses: Silpakorn University, 31 Naphalan Rd., Pra Ma-ha Borom Ratchawang Phanakorn, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand ' Silpakorn University, 31 Naphalan Rd., Pra Ma-ha Borom Ratchawang Phanakorn, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand
Abstract: With the development of digital technology, 3D modelling is widely used in the creation of sculpture. This paper summarises the development of digital sculpture and the related digital technology knowledge and characteristics in the context of digital sculpture. It aims to analyse relevant artworks, digital technologies, and literature through qualitative research methods and experimental methods. The data and results are derived by exploring specific creative practices in combination with organic form features. Finally, this paper systematically summarises the artistic characteristics of the four organic forms: organic representation, organic abstraction, organic generation and organic integration. It also summarises the merits and limitations of the organic form of digital sculpture based on 3D modelling, as well as its value, development trend and challenges. As a unique artistic language for digital sculpture, it enriches the connotation of sculptural creation and organic forms, expanding digital science's artistic edge.
Keywords: digital sculpture; 3D modelling; three-dimensional modelling; organic form.
DOI: 10.1504/IJART.2024.137307
International Journal of Arts and Technology, 2024 Vol.15 No.1, pp.83 - 100
Received: 25 May 2023
Accepted: 29 Oct 2023
Published online: 11 Mar 2024 *