Title: "Somehow I made it a force". How a disabled entrepreneur leveraged his self-identity in the workplace as a competitive advantage?

Authors: Catherine Lejealle; Julien Billion

Addresses: ISC Paris, 22 Boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France ' ISC Paris, 22 Boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France

Abstract: This case study delves into the achievements of Medhi, a disabled entrepreneur who has defied the odds to succeed. In 2022, driven by the desire to empower others, Medhi sought to comprehend the key factors contributing to his own success. This investigation primarily centres on the effectual decision-making processes employed by the disabled entrepreneur, as well as the development of his self-identity within the workplace. This case study highlights how a disabled entrepreneur can transform his disability into a competitive advantage through the shrewd management of his self-identity. By exhibiting flexibility in how his self-identity is perceived across varying contexts, Medhi adeptly navigates these dimensions. He strategically chooses when to disclose or conceal his disability, thus leveraging it to his advantage. The findings of this research offer practical and social implications for entrepreneurs who diverge from the conventional able-bodied archetype.

Keywords: entrepreneurship; effectuation theory; disability; resources; self-identity at work.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2024.137515

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2024 Vol.14 No.3, pp.240 - 255

Received: 30 Aug 2023
Accepted: 18 Sep 2023

Published online: 21 Mar 2024 *

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