Title: Predicting the antecedents of digital readiness of teachers by examining the mediating role of job satisfaction
Authors: Twinkle Trivedi; Hiral Vora; Viral Bhatt
Addresses: Som Lalit Institute of Business Management Studies, SLIMS Campus, St. Xavier's Corner, University Road, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad – 380009, India ' SAL Institute of Management, SAL Education Campus, Opposite Science City, Sola, Ahmedabad 380060, India ' SAL Institute of Management, SAL Education Campus, Opposite Science City, Sola, Ahmedabad 380060, India
Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to assess teachers' digital readiness. This readiness may lead towards a positive behaviour towards utilisation of such digital technology in teaching learning process to engage pupils. This research predicts higher education teachers' digital preparedness for online instruction and the antecedents that shapes instructors' digital readiness. The present study attempted to fill a gap in existing studies in the context of change management. A variance-based SEM on 480 cross-sectional survey responses was performed by using ADANCO. The research found that teachers' commitment had the greatest influence on their digital readiness, whereas role clarity is the second most influential variable for the teacher's digital readiness. This research also demonstrates job satisfaction's favourable and substantial mediation impact between antecedents influencing teachers' digital readiness and their overall readiness for digital changes.
Keywords: digital readiness; online learning; change management; higher education.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2024 Vol.35 No.3, pp.312 - 337
Received: 21 Jan 2023
Accepted: 17 Apr 2023
Published online: 02 Apr 2024 *