Title: Material specific definition of the high speed cutting range
Authors: B. Denkena, R. Ben Amor, L. De Leon-Garcia, J. Dege
Addresses: Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Hannover University, Garbsen, Germany. ' Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Hannover University, Garbsen, Germany. ' Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Hannover University, Garbsen, Germany. ' Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Hannover University, Garbsen, Germany
Abstract: High speed cutting has gained importance over the last few years after technological developments have enabled its realisation. This paper describes the changes in chip formation due to a significant increase of cutting speed. Furthermore, the high speed cutting range is defined from the point of view of the cutting power requirements. Finally, a boundary cutting speed is introduced, which indicates the beginning of the high cutting speed range. The dependence of the boundary cutting speed on the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of the workpiece material is presented.
Keywords: high speed cutting; chip formation; cutting temperature; high speed machining; boundary cutting speed; mechanical properties; thermodynamic properties; workpiece material.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2007.013781
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2007 Vol.2 No.2, pp.176 - 185
Published online: 28 May 2007 *
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