Title: Influence of the coupling between the structural behaviour and the repeated shear bands appearance on the turning quality
Authors: Luis Ricardo Castro, Pascal Vieville, Paul Lipinski
Addresses: Laboratoire de Physique et Mecanique des Materiaux (L.P.M.M.), Paul Verlaine University of Metz, Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Metz (E.N.I.M.), Metz, ile du Saulcy F57045 Cedex 1, France. ' Laboratoire de Fiabilite Mecanique (L.F.M.), Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Metz (E.N.I.M.), Metz, ile du Saulcy F57045 Cedex 1, France. ' Laboratoire de Fiabilite Mecanique (L.F.M.), Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Metz (E.N.I.M.), Metz, ile du Saulcy F57045 Cedex 1, France
Abstract: This paper presents the results of orthogonal cutting tests conducted on Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy as work material over a range of cutting speeds. Between the principal parameters measured there are the tool accelerations, the 3D surface reconstruction of the machined workpieces and the chip dimensions. The analysis of these parameters shows evidence of a relationship between the apparition frequency of the shear bands and the structural response of the machine tool, affecting the surface finish quality. The parameters are acquired and analysed under particular conditions and compared with the tool machine dynamic structural response.
Keywords: turning vibration; chatter; chip segmentation; tool machine dynamics; surface workpiece reconstruction; shear bands; turning quality; titanium alloy; cutting speeds; surface finish; surface quality; orthogonal turning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2007.013786
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2007 Vol.2 No.2, pp.244 - 253
Published online: 28 May 2007 *
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