Title: Turning performance optimisation of aeronautical materials by using high pressure cooling technology
Authors: Carmen Sanz, Elena Fuentes, Oscar Gonzalo
Addresses: Fundacion TEKNIKER, Avda.Otaola 20, Eibar 20600, Spain. ' Fundacion TEKNIKER, Avda.Otaola 20, Eibar 20600, Spain. ' Fundacion TEKNIKER, Avda.Otaola 20, Eibar 20600, Spain
Abstract: Machining assisted with high pressure cutting fluid is an effective method in turning operations, which allows to overcome the problems presented in the conventional turning of poor machinability materials. These problems arise as consequence of the difficult evacuation from the heat generated during the cutting process, the premature adhesion of the machined material to the cutting tool and the complex removal of the long chips from the cutting zone. The application of cutting fluid with this technique causes a hydraulic pressure between the chip and the rake face of the tool with very positive effect on machining, as chip size and cutting forces reduction and lower tool wear. Advantages of turning assisted with high pressure coolant (140 bars) in comparison to conventional pressure of 2 bars have been shown in roughing and finishing machining tests carried out on three aeronautical materials: Ti6Al4V, Inconel 718 and Steel MSRR6503 EAK.
Keywords: high pressure coolant; heat resistant alloys; turning; tool wear; forces; performance optimisation; aeronautical materials; high pressure cutting fluids; machinability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2007.013788
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2007 Vol.2 No.2, pp.270 - 281
Published online: 28 May 2007 *
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