Title: Deployment of UAV-assisted 6G wireless networks using whale optimisation algorithm

Authors: Md. Sakir Hossain; Nishat Tasnim Haque; Sadia Afrin; Md. Shakhawat Hossain; Md. Faisal Mahmud Anik; Swagoto Paul; Md. Ileas Pramanik; Md. Masudur Rahman

Addresses: Department of Avionics Engineering, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science, American International University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science, American International University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Independent University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science, American International University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science, American International University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Begum Rokeya University - Rangpur, Rangpur, Bangladesh ' Department of Computer Science, American International University - Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract: The UAV-assisted wireless network is envisioned as a key player in the sixth generation (6G) wireless systems. One of the most challenging tasks to make it practically viable is to deploy UAVs considering user density, propagation environment and other factors. In traditional UAV deployment techniques, the propagation environment is hardly considered. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for deploying UAVs considering both factors in order to maximise the user throughput using the Whale Optimisation Algorithm (WOA). We formulate the UAV deployment problem as a global optimisation problem. Then, we formulate the objective function to maximise the average user throughput while satisfying several constraints. Through simulations, we show that the proposed technique outperforms the state-of-the-art UAV deployment algorithms. Up to 36% gain in the average user throughput is obtained. The proposed technique is capable of deploying the UAVs to support a certain level of minimum average user throughput requirement.

Keywords: UAV; deployment; whale optimisation; mobile; throughput; wireless networks.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2024.137882

International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2024 Vol.26 No.3, pp.251 - 261

Received: 25 Sep 2022
Accepted: 07 Jun 2023

Published online: 05 Apr 2024 *

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