Title: Study on durability analysis method of concrete mixed with nanometre calcium carbonate in acid environment

Authors: Yangyang Xu; Qing Dai; Lulu Miao

Addresses: School of Information Technology and Urban Construction, Luoyang Polytechnic, Luoyang, 471000, China ' School of Information Technology and Urban Construction, Luoyang Polytechnic, Luoyang, 471000, China ' School of Information Technology and Urban Construction, Luoyang Polytechnic, Luoyang, 471000, China

Abstract: For the analysis in the acidic environment, the influence of different dosage of nanometre calcium carbonate on concrete durability, firstly, nano calcium carbonate concrete with different dosages was prepared using P·O42.5 cement, coarse and fine aggregates, and nano calcium carbonate as materials. Secondly, according to the ratio of 4,000 mL water, 5.6 mL SO42- solution and 3.2 g hydrooxidation, sulphate solution was prepared as an acidic erosion environment. Then, under the action of acid erosion, the durability of nanometre calcium carbonate concrete was analysed from five aspects: compressive strength, chloride ion penetration resistance, mass loss rate, erosion depth and dynamic elastic modulus. It is found that the durability of concrete specimens is the best when the dosage of nanometre calcium carbonate is 1.0%, and the durability of concrete specimens can be affected if the dosage is less or too much.

Keywords: nanometre calcium carbonate; concrete specimen; sulfate solution; durability analysis; compressive strength; resistance to erosion.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2024.137982

International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2024 Vol.17 No.2/3, pp.280 - 294

Received: 27 Jul 2023
Accepted: 09 Nov 2023

Published online: 15 Apr 2024 *

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