Title: Assessing the status quo of e-government maturity in Namibia
Authors: Carsten Rietmann; Victoria Hasheela-Mufeti
Addresses: Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz University Hannover, Schneiderberg 50, 30167 Hannover, Germany ' Department of Computing, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Namibia, 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Street, Pioneerspark, Windhoek, Namibia
Abstract: This paper assesses the status quo of e-government maturity in Namibia. We employ Siau and Long's (2005) five-stage maturity model to investigate the research goal. All Namibian Government offices, ministries, and agencies (OMAs) are included in our analysis. We examine the websites of all these 35 organisations, and further take additional documents such as strategic plans into account. We find that most Namibian OMAs can be classified as currently belonging to intermediary stages of e-government maturity, with a few solely relying on web presence thus far. Features of all websites are described in the paper, and enriched with recommendations on advancing e-government in Namibia.
Keywords: e-government; Namibia; digitalisation; public administration.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2024 Vol.20 No.3, pp.277 - 300
Received: 14 Jan 2022
Accepted: 07 Aug 2022
Published online: 30 Apr 2024 *