Title: Personal preferential treatments influencing young people's intention to use ridesharing services

Authors: Eva Malichová; Emese Tokarčíková; Alžbeta Kucharčíková; Lukáš Falát

Addresses: Faculty of Management Sciences and Informatics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia ' Faculty of Management Sciences and Informatics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia ' Faculty of Management Sciences and Informatics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia ' Faculty of Management Sciences and Informatics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia

Abstract: This article aims to indicate the influence of travel behaviour, travel preferences and personality of young people on their interest in ridesharing. The research focuses on students aged 16 to 24 from Croatia, Slovakia and Romania. Young people were chosen because their current travel habits and interest in shared services can significantly influence future generations' travel behaviour. The influence of determinants was identified by logistic regression. Models' results indicate that young people who prefer to travel by bicycle, like using modern technologies during travel, think about the environment when choosing means of transport, do not mind being close to strangers and have an experience with ridesharing have a higher interest in this service. On the contrary, people prefer privacy during travel and the frequency of travelling by train and car as a passenger decreases their interest in ridesharing. Personnel characteristics identified based on the mini IPIP scales are not significant.

Keywords: ridesharing; travel behaviour; personality; preferences; young people intention; IPI scale; transport; personal preferential treatments; shared services; sustainable services; personality.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2024.138333

International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2024 Vol.15 No.3, pp.225 - 253

Received: 09 Aug 2022
Accepted: 18 Jan 2023

Published online: 01 May 2024 *

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