Title: Fashion industry and sustainability: building circular economy and cooperation among stakeholders
Authors: Valentina Raimondi
Addresses: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Via Ravasi, 2, 21100 Varese VA, Italy
Abstract: The big impact in terms of pollution and waste in the fashion industry led us to focus on going more deeply into the research of which sustainable actions can be followed by companies, consumers, and the government. The world's population is growing, and the supply of crucial raw materials is limited. Extracting and using raw materials has a big impact on the environment. It is very important in social and environmental terms to start seriously adopting 'circular model systems', for companies first in order to better control different aspects and stages of design, production, and distribution. The circular economy system has interesting advantages over the linear economy system, but it is still not a perfect model. Today, we do not have examples of existing perfect circular economy systems. There are imperfections and wastes in the whole system. It is possible to say that the circular economy system is not perfect, but it is possible to work on improvements. The aim of this research is to remark importance of cooperation among political system, companies' system and consumer perspective, in order to improve efforts in adopting circular economy systems and innovations, with a special focus on fashion industry.
Keywords: sustainability; fashion industry; resource efficiency; cooperation; sustainable development; circular economy; innovation; waste management; supply chain; consumer behaviour; business ethics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMABS.2024.138410
International Journal of Markets and Business Systems, 2024 Vol.5 No.1, pp.1 - 25
Received: 30 Jun 2020
Accepted: 02 Jan 2021
Published online: 03 May 2024 *