Title: Creating market linkage and demand for new climate resilient rice varieties through innovative agriculture extension method
Authors: Swati Nayak; Ritesh Dwivedi; Manzoor Dar
Addresses: Faculty of Management Studies, AICISM, Amity University, Noida, UP – 201301, India ' Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Noida, India ' International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Hyderabad, India
Abstract: For impact of innovative products like climate resilient rice, there needs to be large scale adoption, strengthened market and demand. While the traditional agriculture extension approaches focusing on varietal promotion are production centric, this would require a market centric approach. The Eastern India, prone to climatic risks, could benefit through the adoption of these varieties as witnessed through the grounding of a participatory experiment as a new extension model. This paper tries to analyse the structure and effectiveness of this model, known as 'evidence hubs'. A total of 21 such hubs comprising 975 replications for several varieties were piloted in 2017. Multiple performance criteria and results were analysed through participatory score card method. The score cards generated got recommendation of government to influence institutions/policy to enhance production and supply of seeds of resilient varieties which got the highest ratings.
Keywords: rice; seed; market; climate; agriculture; agriculture extension; production; supply; evidence hubs; demand.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2024 Vol.37 No.1, pp.47 - 62
Received: 28 May 2019
Accepted: 17 Jun 2020
Published online: 09 May 2024 *