Title: Investigating the role of diffusion of innovation theory, environmental pressure, and organisational capabilities towards adoption of digital technologies

Authors: Bader A. Alyoubi; Mohammad Ali Yousef Yamin

Addresses: Department of Management Information Systems, College of Business, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ' Department of Human Resources Management, College of Business, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Abstract: The rapid change in global environment, digital transformation and customer preference had built unprecedented pressure for organisations to adopt digital technology. In this essence, the current research investigates factors which influence employee behaviour to adopt digital technology. Data were analysed with structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings indicate that the integrated research model has substantial variance R280.1% in determining employee behaviour towards adoption of digital technology. The effect size analysis (f2) reveals that compatibility has the highest impact in measuring employee adoption behaviour towards digital technology. Importance performance matrix analysis suggest that organisation performance constructs like employee behaviour to adopt digital technology, compatibility, mimetic pressure and management support are core constructs for managerial consideration. This research has several contributions to theory and practice. This study is unique as it develops and integrated model that underpins technological organisational an environmental factors to investigate employee behaviour towards adoption of digital technology.

Keywords: innovativeness; compatibility; strategic road-mapping; knowledge competency; behavioural intention to adopt digital technology; IT infrastructure; structural equation modelling.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.138555

International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2024 Vol.46 No.1, pp.32 - 55

Received: 13 Jan 2021
Accepted: 08 Mar 2021

Published online: 12 May 2024 *

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