Title: Development of a goal programming model based on fuzzy QFD and ANP for supplier selecting and order allocation

Authors: Mohammad Javad Ershadi; Milad Tavakolian; Amir Azizi

Addresses: Information Technology Department, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran ' Industrial Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ' Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: Supplier selection and order allocation have great importance in the supply chain management network to achieve high-quality product and customer satisfaction. During the selection process of the eligible suppliers, qualitative factors, as well as quantitative factors, should be considered. In this paper, a novel method has been proposed by the development of a goal programming model with the assistance of a multi-criteria decision-making approach (MCDM). In addition, the concept of the fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) has been employed for importing the voice of customers in the ranking and selecting process of suppliers and assigning the order quantity. Finally, the application of the proposed model has been shown in the automotive industry. Quality, price, delivery, and technology have been selected as the main indicators in determining supplier ranking and weighted by the analytical network process (ANP) method. Furthermore, supplier's experience, innovative capacity, certificate of the quality management system, flexibility in satisfaction of customer demands, and financial stability were identified as the main technical specifications which were related to indicators using fuzzy QFD technique. The results of employing the goal programming model showed the developed model is robust based on different service levels.

Keywords: quality function deployment; QFD; analytical network process; ANP; goal programming; GP; supplier selection; order allocation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.138593

International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2024 Vol.48 No.1, pp.1 - 25

Received: 24 Aug 2021
Accepted: 16 Dec 2021

Published online: 14 May 2024 *

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