Title: A hybrid approach: impact of IoT in rice crop plant disease detection using image processing

Authors: Shashank Chaudhary; Upendra Kumar; S.M. Farzan Ekram

Addresses: AKTU, Lucknow, UP, India ' IET, Lucknow, UP, India ' Vellore Institute of Technology, TN, India

Abstract: India has made tremendous progress towards food security in the recent years since its independence. Before the mid-1960s, India relied on imports and food aid to satisfy domestic needs. Now we are all self-reliant in food grain production to fulfil our needs, but a proper disease management system is required for timely disease detection. The use of agriculture science, like digital image processing and advanced techniques under internet of things (IoT) has reduced the computing time, therefore allowing for a considerably faster plant disease detection. In this paper, we propose the hybrid approach of IoT application with help of image processing technique. Digital camera and other smart devices are used to capture images and other important data directly from the farm. The collected data is forwarded to micro controller unit which process the various applications and classify the disease using image processing.

Keywords: internet of things; IoT; sensor; image processing.

DOI: 10.1504/IJARGE.2023.138615

International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 2023 Vol.19 No.3, pp.203 - 218

Received: 21 Sep 2023
Accepted: 24 Dec 2023

Published online: 16 May 2024 *

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