Title: Perceptions of types, influences, and how select Central European entrepreneurship ecosystems developed in the biopharmaceutical sector
Authors: David R. Williams
Addresses: Beaver College of Health Sciences, Appalachian State University, 1179 State Farm Road, Boone, North Carolina, 28608, USA
Abstract: The present paper seeks to explore factors related to the types, influences, reasons for influences, and how entrepreneurship ecosystems developed in the biopharmaceutical sector in select regions of Central Europe. It is motivated by specific gaps in the literature related to entrepreneurial ecosystems. Findings from a survey of multiple actors' perceptions in these areas are presented. Findings show that most ecosystems reside in areas with multiple innovative industries, that this has a slight positive influence on the development of this sector, and that over time these entrepreneurial ecosystems are becoming more directed as opposed to growing spontaneously.
Keywords: entrepreneurship ecosystems; development; Central Europe.
International Journal of Biotechnology, 2023 Vol.14 No.4, pp.259 - 276
Received: 08 Nov 2021
Accepted: 03 Aug 2022
Published online: 29 May 2024 *