Title: Path tracking and stability control of 4WID electric vehicles based on variable prediction horizon MPC

Authors: Dongmei Wu; Qiang Zhang; Changqing Du; Yang Li

Addresses: Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China ' Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China ' Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China ' Technical Center of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle, Wuhan 430056, China

Abstract: This study presents a coordinated strategy for path-tracking based on variable prediction horizon model predictive control (VPH MPC) and stability control. First, the model predictive control (MPC) with different prediction horizons is utilised for the path-tracking controller. The effect of prediction horizons on path-tracking error and vehicle stability is analysed. On the above basis, an adaptive path-tracking controller is proposed, where the desired acceleration is restricted and the prediction horizon is regulated based on the vehicle stability. Then, a direct yaw moment control (DYC) method is integrated with the path-tracking controller to further improve the lateral stability and path-tracking capability. The coordinated control strategy is first validated through simulation and then the path-tracking controller with different prediction horizons is tested on a real vehicle. The simulation outcomes demonstrate that the path-tracking capability and stability can be improved significantly under extreme conditions. The real-vehicle experiments validate the effect of various prediction horizons on path-tracking capability.

Keywords: path tracking; stability control; 4WID electric vehicle; variable prediction horizon; MPC; model predictive control.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2024.139175

International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2024 Vol.95 No.3/4, pp.291 - 319

Received: 28 Jul 2023
Accepted: 18 Jan 2024

Published online: 24 Jun 2024 *

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