Title: An exploratory study of sugarcane production based on agricultural climatic analysis in the Indian states

Authors: P. Indumathi; S. Deepa; C. Madhesh; R. Sengodi

Addresses: Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem – 636007, India ' Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem – 636007, India ' Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem – 636007, India ' Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem – 636007, India

Abstract: Sugarcane generates bio-energy. Climate change worsens weather. Due to its inflexibility, sensitivity to natural disasters, and inability to foresee and prepare, climate change will diminish global sugarcane production. Climate change may affect sugarcane output. Sugarcane climate differs. Climate impacts sugarcane production in 19 Indian states. The CDSPF model examined 2014-2022 sugarcane production using state-specific panel data. MIA analyses sugarcane production following a 1-unit climate change. Each state examined sugarcane production (i.e., 2050s, 2070s, 2090s, and 2110s). Value and planting increase sugarcane output, while annual precipitation, average maximum temperature, and actual rainfall diminish sugarcane production. Sugarcane production increases maximum temperature, rainfall, and precipitation. MIA believes a one-unit climate adjustment might reduce Indian sugarcane yield 1.51%. Climate affects Indian sugarcane output. Climate, geography, irrigation infrastructure, natural resources, farm management, technology and fertiliser use in sugarcane agriculture, agricultural development plans, and agricultural research and development will affect Indian sugarcane growers, agricultural labourers, the sugar industry, consumers, and the government.

Keywords: climate change; farmers; Indian states; projection; margin impact analysis; MIA; sugarcane production.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2024.139183

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2024 Vol.32 No.2, pp.209 - 239

Received: 22 Dec 2022
Accepted: 25 Dec 2022

Published online: 24 Jun 2024 *

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