Title: Networked into a sustainable world - conclusions for leadership and education
Authors: Ineke Blumenthal
Addresses: School of International Business and Entrepreneurship, Kalkofenstraße 53, 71083 Herrenberg, Germany
Abstract: To make the world sustainable, research has long realised that it requires network collaboration and education. A freshly published worldwide interdisciplinary Delphi-based scenario study (Blumenthal, 2023) has addressed the question of how future leadership in a digital and networked world could look like and what could follow from this for leadership education. As a future research perspective on leadership and networks is seldom, it seemed interesting to consider the results again in the context of sustainability. Transferability was examined based on a comparison with scientific papers and discourse on practical developments. Also possible implications were discussed. The transfer indicates that a specific leadership understanding, setting a stronger focus on networking, could become more relevant. Furthermore, due to the complexity of the world that can only be handled together, it could become more than ever necessary to stress cooperative, multi-level learning processes.
Keywords: change; collaboration; complexity; cooperation; Delphi technique; diversity; education; foresight; leadership; learning; management; networks; organisation; scenarios; sustainability.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2024 Vol.23 No.3, pp.199 - 217
Received: 11 Jul 2023
Accepted: 21 Nov 2023
Published online: 28 Jun 2024 *