Title: Smart approach to constraint programming: intelligent backtracking using artificial intelligence
Authors: Heng Du
Addresses: Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanynag, Henan 473000, China
Abstract: Constrained programming is the concept used to select possible alternatives from an incredibly diverse range of candidates. This paper proposes an AI-assisted Backtracking Scheme (AI-BS) by integrating the generic backtracking algorithm with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The detailed study observes that the extreme dual ray associated with the infeasible linear program can be automatically extracted from minimum unfeasible sets. Constraints are used in artificial intelligence to list all possible values for a group of variables in a given universe. To put it another way, a solution is a way of assigning a value to each variable that these values satisfy all constraints. Furthermore, this helps the study reach a decreased search area for smart backtracking without paying high costs. The evaluation results exhibit that the IB-BC algorithm-based smart electricity schedule controller performs better electricity bill during the scheduled periods than comparison approaches such as binary backtracking and binary particle swarm optimiser.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; backtracking; branch-and-bound problem; branch-and-cut; constrained programming; smart home electricity controller.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2023.139285
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 2023 Vol.16 No.4, pp.185 - 195
Received: 16 Apr 2021
Accepted: 15 Jun 2021
Published online: 01 Jul 2024 *