Title: Exploring the impact of international trade practices on social, economic, and environmental development with the intervening influence of government policies
Authors: Manping Niu
Addresses: Business School, Zhengzhou University of Economics and Business, Zhengzhou, Henan, 451191, China
Abstract: International trade practices (ITP) play a pivotal role in sustainable development by facilitating the exchange of eco-friendly technologies, promoting responsible resource utilisation, and enhancing global cooperation. ITPs enable nations to achieve economic growth while addressing environmental and social concerns by fostering a harmonious balance between prosperity and the planet. This study specifically examines the nexus of ITP toward companies' sustainable development (SD) from three major perspectives, i.e., social, environmental, and economic streams within the Chinese market, drawing on international trade theory. The outcomes were obtained using a sample of 761 by utilising the structure equation modelling (SEM) method through SmartPls. The findings assured a positive nexus between ITPs and sustainable development, along with the significant correlation of ITP toward each perspective of SD. The study additionally confirmed a positive moderating connection of government policies between ITP and SD.
Keywords: ITP; international trade practices; sustainable development; SoD; social development; environmental development; EcD; economic development; government policies.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2024.139367
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2024 Vol.14 No.2, pp.189 - 205
Received: 23 Dec 2023
Accepted: 17 Apr 2024
Published online: 01 Jul 2024 *